Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Things and people that irritate me. Yes, I'm having a good old vent.

  • Coffee shops that can't make a decent coffee that doesn't contain milk.
  • People who have regular holidays, yet complain they need a break every few weeks.
  • People who don't have kids, stay up late and then complain they are tired.
  • People who don't or won't use you're/your in the correct grammatical context. It's TRULY. Not. THAT. Hard. 
  • Overfilled teapots at a cafe. Do they seriously never learn with hot tea spilled everywhere on a regular basis?
  • People who assume I'm not married because I don't want to be.
  • People telling me how lucky I am that my partner 'stood by me' when our princess decided to exist earlier than planned. How about He's lucky I didn't throw him out and sue him for child support.
  • People who give you an evil eye if your trolley contains junk food at the checkout, which get exponentially worse dependant upon the number of children I have with me.
  • Players who choose a level too high then expect the other party players to get them through songs to get extra stars on Guitar Hero.
  • My laptop's crappy space bar.
  • Being called a hippy/earth mother/out there because I choose not to birth in a hospital and I'm too cheap to use disposible nappies and bottle feed. I'm not a hippy, I'm a tight ass. OK?

Ok and here comes the big vent.
People who have NO EFFING IDEA what they ARE TALKING ABOUT and yet think their opinion is valid. GUESS WHAT! It's NOT. Your opinion is LESS VALID if you have NO idea or experience on the topic you are spouting off about. F You Mr Politically correct for asserting that everyone has a right to a public opinion. Guess what! YOU DON'T! If you don't have personal experience in a topic and you're addressing someone who does, Shut up and Sit down. Got it?

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